Learn to Open the Pouch

UPDATE: YONDR has, sadly, improved their pouches. It requires a much stronger magnet to unlock these things than we would like, and we are currently working on building an electromagnetic opener. Until then, be careful with this page. For example, popping a modern pouch open with a pen will probably result in a bent locking pin which will cause you to pay for your pouch. Once we have a better opener built, we will post it. For now, stick to decoy devices and Malicious Compliance.

As we mentioned on the home page, YONDR disrespects your rights and endangers your well being. Perhaps the best defense against these device is to learn to neutralize them. The idea of YONDR’s authority is predicated on the notion that you cannot open the pouch without their special key, but this is far from the truth!

The YONDR pouch works on the same principle as most anti-theft tags in stores. They are just as easy to open. A magnet of sufficient strength will trigger the unlatching mechanism and release your phone. Beating them against a surface in just the right way will force them open, and there are several weak points where you can damage the seams and open the devices.

In a school setting, the best move is to learn non-destructive techniques. In a concert setting, well unless you sign something saying that you will return the pouch you should probably absolutely shred the thing. After all, they simply gave it to you. Who are they to tell you what to do with it from that point on?

No matter what you choose, your safety is more important than any of your school/venue’s authoritarian dreams. Learn to open your pouch. If you’re a student, practice every day until it poses no more barrier than any other bag. That way, should the need or desire to use your phone arise, you can access your property at any time.

Some suggested YouTube Videos on this topic include:

This video gives an overview of several entry methods, including magnets and destructive techniques. This will give you a nice overview of the possibilities. One technique even shoes you how to open these little bastions of Fascism with nothing more than a common ink pen.

This video is from the lock picking lawyer, and it demonstrates entry using a magnet. This will give you some idea of the magnet strength required, though we suspect that smaller magnets can be made to work. Keep checking back on this page and we’ll follow up on that!

This final video is a demonstration of a percusive entry method.

These videos all show just some of the possibilities. As we learn more about how to open the pouches, we will write more about how to get in. We are working on a technique to turn any jacket, backpack, or shoe into an illicit unlock key; so be sure to check back!

No matter what method you choose to practice, remember that you need to get good at opening the pouch. Even if you choose to fight them through more proper channels, when it comes down to it you need to have access to your device for your own safety!

Another thing to consider is the overall impact this will have on YONDR programs. If the would-be opressors see that the pouches offer practically no resistance, they are less likely to be apt to enforce their use. In time, the neutralization of the pouches will lead to their eventual and inevitable discontinuation.


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